October, 2011

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October 31, 2011

Good old Bach

Categories: Fun — Tags: , , ,

Today we continue with the second question of our slowly ripening music quiz for TriviaPark.com, which is starting to look as though it will come out on the challenging side, particularly if you don’t happen to be some kind of music student. Don’t worry, however, because…

We’ve got your Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), the composer one generally means when speaking of ‘Bach’ without qualification, was but the most outstanding member of an exceptionally musical family. Indeed, several of the other Bachs retain some renown as composers to this day. All four listed here are in that category. Three are J.S. Bach’s own sons. The fourth was a grandson. Which?

  1. Johann Christian Bach
  2. Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
  3. Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
  4. Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach


October 27, 2011

Listen to the mirlitons

Categories: Fun — Tags: , , ,

Although AHA! has been doing both trivia and music software for some time now, it’s only in the Mozart Quiz on TriviaPark.com that they have significantly overlapped. As a result, the music quiz that we are now compiling could be regarded as somewhat overdue. Facing the choice of doing it late or doing it never, we have consulted a book of proverbs and decided that now is probably the right time, so here goes.

We begin with an instrument

Musical instruments, the tools of musical expression, have been around more or less as long as human culture. One venerable and widespread instrument type is the mirliton, although it is usually called by another name. Which?

  1. Didgeridoo
  2. Drum
  3. Kazoo
  4. Xylophone


October 25, 2011

The Black Guru

Categories: Fun — Tags: ,

Original manuscript of The Black GuruAHA! scholars were delighted recently when a long-lost poetry manuscript turned up at the back of one of our many dusty vaults devoted to the storage of past indiscretions. The fading stanzas, inscribed on the obverse side of a Pizza Delight menu, had lain undisturbed for decades, partially obscured by the spreadeagled carcase of a Commodore 64.

Those readers who did not spend most of the late 1980s programming Amigas, if any, may have trouble with the technical terms in the poem. Oh, well. The important thing to know is that when the Amiga program you were working on blew up badly enough to bring down the system, vital statistics about the error were presented to the user in a flashing rectangle at the top of a solid black screen. This was a ‘Guru Meditation Error’ message — so named because only a system guru could understand it.

The precise circumstances under which the poem was composed are lost to history. Presumably it happened at lunch. The year was 1987; the place was Toronto; the guilty parties were Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara: these facts are known. The motivation, alas, may remain always a mystery.

The Black Guru

by Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara

Well you pulled out your Amiga, to write that video game,
It took some sweat but you ain’t done yet — there’s still some bugs to tame,
Programming problems,
Always make you blue,
Just when you think you’ve got it licked you’ll meet the black guru.

I wrote a program late last night, the code it looked real good;
I used some system functions I thought I understood,
Took an hour or two,
But when I typed that program name I got the black guru.

I passed the right parameters and I cast them all to long,
But when I called those system functions I found that I’d done wrong,
Scrambled all the pointers
I was indirecting through,
No wonder when I stored those bytes I saw the black guru.

Now you might like assembler, or maybe you use C,
But watch those system functions, or you’ll end up like me;
Say goodbye to sanity —
Life is just a zoo,
Call BltMaskBitMapRastPort, and meet the black guru.

Now I think I’ve got it licked, the code it looks real clean,
The reason for this is I typed it from a magazine,
Didn’t see the bug fix
That was in the next issue,
I got another visit from my friendly black guru.

Took my hard-earned dollars down to my computer store,
And I bought commercial software for a thousand bucks or more,
Didn’t make a back-up —
Didn’t have a clue,
If you hear someone laughing now it’s just the black guru.

Well I’ve had it up to way past here with this mixed-up machine,
I believe I’ll put my cowboy boots right through that monitor screen;
I just might switch to alcohol,
Benzedrine or glue,
And say goodbye for ever to that evil black guru.

(Copyright © 1987 AHA! Software Inc.)

October 24, 2011

Cutting back

Categories: Fun — Tags: ,

New knowledge is often hard-won, to be gained only by protracted effort on the part of multiple workers, each responsible for some small advance. Occasionally, but importantly for those who compile trivia, the progress can be reported as a simple numeric value.

A case in point:

In 1981, Morwen Thistlethwaite proved that 52 were enough. Hans Kloosterman showed in 1992 that, actually, 42 would do. By 2010 it was known that in fact one can get by with as few as 20. What are they?

  1. Dietary nutrients needed for optimum health
  2. Gannet breeding pairs needed to establish a colony
  3. Moves needed to solve Rubik’s cube
  4. Syllables needed to communicate intelligibly


October 23, 2011


Categories: Fun — Tags: ,

Life is full of strange or suggestive coincidences that may sometimes make us stop and think. Some coincidences are so striking that they become famous. These are one of nature’s leading sources of trivia questions. In the fullness of geologic time, many of them turn up on TriviaPark.com.

For example:

A few years ago, in 2005, one national capital city could boast of a unique record: that its inhabitants included the largest concentration ever of chess grandmasters. Which city was home to this remarkable abundance of chess talent?

  1. Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. Kiev, Ukraine
  3. Reykjavik, Iceland
  4. Ottawa, Canada


October 20, 2011

Hierophant release notes

Categories: Announcements — Tags:

This is a maintenance update of the FamilyGames.com freeware game Hierophant. Changes include fine-tuning of the installer and minor cosmetic tweaks.

Button to start Hierophant download Download Hierophant. After downloading, open the file to install the game.

For those who don’t know Hierophant, it is a simple 2-D game, generally reminiscent of a 4×4 tile puzzle. Unlike the usual toy version, however, there is no missing tile. Instead, movement is permitted by having the rows and columns wrap around. The object of Hierophant is to restore a randomly-generated ‘mystic symbol’.

Hierophant is compatible with computers running any version of Microsoft Windows since Windows XP.

Hierophant screen shot

Scrolling a column in Hierophant by clicking one of the arrow buttons (C) around the board.

October 16, 2011

What can the matter be?

Categories: Fun — Tags: ,

One reason to write a trivia question is to get straight for yourself something you feel you really should know. That’s why today we’re looking at something rather fundamental: the modern notion of what reality is made of. The question below might find its way into a physics quiz on TriviaPark one day, or even a quiz on particle physics in particular. (Of course, it will show up in our general knowledge quiz rotation eventually too.) Feel free to suggest in the comments ideas for other questions you think a (particle) physics quiz should contain.

Here’s the question:

Nearly all the ordinary matter in the observable universe — the stars, the planets, ourselves — is made of just two kinds of elementary particle. What are they?

  1. Electrons and quarks
  2. Mesons and baryons
  3. Neutrinos and hadrons
  4. Protons and neutrons


October 15, 2011

NoteCard release notes

Categories: Announcements — Tags: ,

This maintenance release ( corrects a bug triggered by specifying a custom quiz length greater than 36.

Thanks to NoteCard user Zoltán Farkas for identifying and reporting the bug.

October 13, 2011

First note

Categories: Close-up — Tags: , ,

What is the best note with which to introduce the keyboard and notation to a beginning piano student? Tradition and habit offer middle C as the automatic choice, and at first sight it has some clear advantages. After all, it’s the one note that you can play with either hand in the home position — at least when the home position is defined by having both thumbs on middle C. And that’s not all. Middle C is pivotal for notation, the bridge between the treble and bass staves, and a gateway to both. On the page, it’s easy to spot because there’s a line through it. And it’s just about right in the middle!

There are problems with middle C, however, that might send us in search of another candidate. To begin with, it’s the one note about which you have to worry which hand to use or which staff it’s on. Confusingly, it is drawn differently from the other notes. Even worse, it is not especially easy to locate on the keyboard: the white note to the left of the middle pair of black notes. Children’s often-dodgy sense of the difference between right and left can delay progress for significant minutes as this threshold is crossed.

But if not C, then what? Where else to turn?

C and D, side by sideIt’s actually not a hard choice. For recognition on the keyboard, the easy winner is D: smack between the middle pair of black keys, with no messing about. A child could find it. The distinctive position of D below the treble staff is also easy for the teacher to specify and the student to remember. In the home position, D falls under the index finger — the same one you use when you’re pointing at it. The index finger is easier for rank beginners to play with good hand posture than is the transversely-mounted thumb, whose proper use takes longer to develop.

Once D is known, the next step, to the left-hand B, symmetrically placed and notated, is easily taken. But then where next? Back to C? Not so fast. If I were to take up teaching again, I think I would be inclined to leave the thumbs idle at first and instead explore the other fingers in turn, if only as a way of avoiding the usual stale melodies for a while by excluding the C major scale. The thumbs would enter last, leading naturally into position shifts thereafter.

October 12, 2011

Christmas Trivia Screen Saver version 1.7

Categories: Announcements — Tags: , , ,

It seem that there are lots of folks who still like to have our Christmas Trivia Screen Saver running on some screen around the house during the holiday season, and we’re happy to continue to provide it as a free treat for Windows users. For several years, however, the screen saver has been in need of an overhaul to correct a number of small problems that cropped up with the release of successive versions of Windows.

Screen saver: The living-room scene

The living-room scene in the Christmas Trivia Screen Saver

Now those problems have been addressed, and a new version of the screen saver is available for download effective immediately. If you already have the screen saver installed, we recommend that you explicitly uninstall it before installing. Please note that this release applies only to Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The main action in the Christmas Trivia Screen Saver is a quietly animated fireside scene with a flickering fire, twinkling Christmas lights, and a working grandfather clock. In the foreground is a table with a snack set out for Santa, though it’s not he who finds it and starts to nibble.

Screen saver: A trivia page

One of 60 trivia pages that appear at intervals in the screen saver

Every now and then, a page of easy-to-read text reveals a Christmas fact you probably didn’t know unless you hang around our trivia site at Christmas time. With sixty different pages to view, there are plenty of fascinating nuggets to keep you entertained throughout the season.

MIDI renderings of fifteen Christmas carol arrangements provide an uninterrupted soundtrack if desired. Settings to control the music, the frequency of the Christmas trivia, and more options are available through Windows’ display customization controls (see this PDF read-me file, also included in the download, for more details).

Button to start screen saver download Download the screen saver. After downloading, open the file to install the software.

We hope you enjoy this screen saver, and we’d be delighted if you make it part of your end-of-year celebrations this year.

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