With this new quiz we continue the theme of our The Hobbit and Tolkien quizzes while embarking on a new series of quizzes covering the three volumes of J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. In the present quiz, we cover the first third of the story, in which we follow Frodo and his companions from their safe homes in The Shire through many dangers to the Elven haven of Rivendell, and from there through many further dangers to the other Elven haven of Lothlórien. One learns two main life lessons. First, when traveling, always stay at an Elf facility if available. Second, and even more important, do not answer the door if it’s Gandalf. Avoid his company altogether. Such are the benefits of literature. We hope you try our The Fellowship of the Ring Quiz, and return for the two quizzes yet to come in our The Lord of the Rings series.
June 9, 2019
The Fellowship of the Ring Trivia Quiz
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