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October 16, 2011

What can the matter be?

Categories: Fun — Tags: ,

One reason to write a trivia question is to get straight for yourself something you feel you really should know. That’s why today we’re looking at something rather fundamental: the modern notion of what reality is made of. The question below might find its way into a physics quiz on TriviaPark one day, or even a quiz on particle physics in particular. (Of course, it will show up in our general knowledge quiz rotation eventually too.) Feel free to suggest in the comments ideas for other questions you think a (particle) physics quiz should contain.

Here’s the question:

Nearly all the ordinary matter in the observable universe — the stars, the planets, ourselves — is made of just two kinds of elementary particle. What are they?

  1. Electrons and quarks
  2. Mesons and baryons
  3. Neutrinos and hadrons
  4. Protons and neutrons


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